Reset Year End Finalisation

This screen enables you to reset or undo the Year End Finalisation of Single Touch Payroll (STP) and/or Payment Summaries for the current tax year.


Rules and Guidelines

  • If there is any issue, unfinalising via this screen by criteria (i.e. specific Payrun Group/ Employee ID) is possible. However, note that this can only be performed before the Close Year End.

    The Reset Year End Finalisation process cannot be run when the Year End Close is being run for the Payrun Group selected.

  • Resetting and resubmitting the Payment Summaries can only be done if the ATO file has not been delivered to the Australian Taxation Office (ATO).

    • If the ATO file has been submitted, an amended Payment Summary/ ATO file is required.
    • As this process is outside the system, there is no way to track which one to do within the system. Kindly note that it is your responsibility to get this right.
  • This screen allows you to specify who to reset based on Criteria or as a list of individual Employees.

  • Running the Reset Year End Finalisation process generates a Reset Year End Finalisation Report.
  • Once the Reset Year End Finalisation process is complete for undoing the finalisation of STP and/or Payment Summaries, this will produce the Spoolfile PRP461PRT containing the list of Employee records which have been reset for current Financial Year based on the criteria set on this screen.

    The Spoolfile Output Type - PDF generated for the Reset Year End Finalisation Report consists of two distinct sections:

    • Page 1 - Displays the Criteria selected.

    • Page 2 onwards - Displays the before and after state for the employee records matching the criteria entered.

    This will also generate PRP420PRTand PRP420EXC.

Field Information